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Raymond Reichman-Israelsohn | author, poet, attorney


The Mind & Heart of God


by Raymond Reichman-Israelsohn

A lamp that does not flicker in a windless place,

To such is compared a yogi of subdued thought

Practising Union with the Self

Bhagavad Gita (Maharishi Translation)

The Yoga of Maditation (Dhyana Yoga)

Chapter VI,Verse 19

From Chapter Seven | The Fall of Man

and Resurrection

Cain and the Spirit of Abel

The Mind of God, motivated by infinite desire to know Itself, notionally divides itself into a subject and its object. This happens without loss of infinite unity in either pole. From this cognition, pure consciousness arises, which retains infinity and comprises the spirit and soul of God and man – life force. Cognition enters its own cognition by embodiment within. As an embodied ego/subject it experiences the physicality and infinite diversity of Its own consciousness. Infinite Pure Consciousness is embodied as God and as individual man, in the image of God – Mahatma and Atma respectively and inseparable within infinity. Through the whole process infinity is retained at God’s level.

At the highest level, in the Mind of God and in the mind of enlightened man, there is no perception of separation. Wisdom is retained regarding the necessary illusion of separation and infinite oneness. Unity or communion continues, notwithstanding any apparent separation.

The subject/ego’s experience of itself as object remains an infinite experience, with all the paradoxical attributes of infinity – including infinite knowledge and wisdom. The joy of self-knowledge remains an infinite joy not tainted in any way by any opposite.

At some point, however, the subject/ego becomes overpowered by its own idea of a separate entity, independent of and separate from the ‘notional’ subject/ego. The subject/ego forgets its essential unity. It forgets the mere notionality of its perceived object and of the separation between subject and object. It sees its object as real. That is ‘real’ in the sense of having its own independent existence separate from the subject/ego’s perception. The merely notional subject then also starts to see itself as separate from the object and also believes itself to be real in that same sense. The subject/ego simply becomes the ego: The ‘I’ that thinks it does the seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling – alone, independent and separate from the object it perceives and the Source of both, and real as such. The ‘I’ that thinks it does the perceiving, the experiencing and the acting.

That is the primal error and the primordial ignorance: This is error because it is illusion. It is the phenomenon known by the Sanskrit word, Maya.

Maya is not ignorance. Maya is the phenomenon itself. It is the appearance of the diverse universe; it is God’s playground, the Garden of Eden. Ignorance is forgetting the nature of the phenomenon, seeing apparency – a mirage – as a reality. Getting lost in the perceived objects, getting lost in the apparency, getting lost in the maze.

Once lost, the Fall of Man begins… . Until, one day, stung by the painful consequences of his ignorance, he commences his search to ‘return’ to his Divinity…

About the Book

The Mind of God



Pregnant Infinity

Spirit and Soul


The Fall of Man and Resurrection

Jyotish and Meaning (1)

Jyotish and Meaning (2)

Jyotish and Meaning (3)



To Order the Book

Some of the Book’s Reviews

The Blade of Grass
and the Footprint of the Calf
