The Mind & Heart of God
by Raymond Reichman-
A lamp that does not flicker in a windless place,
To such is compared a yogi of subdued thought
Practising Union with the Self
Bhagavad Gita (Maharishi Translation)
The Yoga of Maditation (Dhyana Yoga)
Chapter VI,Verse 19
From Chapter Nine | Jyotish
and Meaning
Fate and Free Will – Destiny
Fate is God’s Will
Nothing else is fated
Can omnipotence limit itself
or render itself impotent
by dint of that omnipotence?
Can God, omnipotent and infinite
Declare Himself
“Henceforth limited”
“Henceforth finite”…?
And God said…
If God is omnipotent
He must be able to do so
or He isn’t omnipotent
Having rendered Himself
“Henceforth limited”
Does He lose his omnipotence?
If God does exercises His omnipotence, to
deprive Himself of omnipotence… forever
where does omnipotence go?
Is it lost?
God would be no longer God
Where then would God be?
Would we be without God?
Alone…no Creator, no meaning…?
It cannot be
It is not
Man has free will
Man is made in the image of God
According to His will
Man’s free will is the Will of God
To be exercised in the image of God
It is fated so
How does man know God’s Will?
Avoid ignorance and its error?
Exercise and act through free will in
the image of God’s Will?
Be spontaneous, effortless, joyful
This is how God exercises his Will
So man too must do the same
In God’s harmony
A glorious choir – the Voice of God
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