The Mind & Heart of God
by Raymond Reichman-
A lamp that does not flicker in a windless place,
To such is compared a yogi of subdued thought
Practising Union with the Self
Bhagavad Gita (Maharishi Translation)
The Yoga of Maditation (Dhyana Yoga)
Chapter VI,Verse 19
From Chapter Six | Physicality: Embodiment
Reality has its source and foundation in the infinite Mind of God, totally without
physicality and totally without embodiment. The physicality (the so-
This is defined in Vedantic Scripture as ‘mind.’ Mind is the emergence from the Infinite absolute of a finite relativity of subject and object. It helps to restate that seminality: The emergence of the finite relativity of subject and object from the absolute of Infinity (in which absolute such subject and object are one) constitutes mind. Mind does not exist in the Infinite. It exists only in the relative. The object cannot exist without its subject to conceptualise and perceive it, and vice versa. They are in bondage to each other. The bondage of our ego to its conceptualised object imprisons us (vasana). Until we free ourselves (nirvana).
Physical Science seeks knowledge of reality as an object to be known by the scientist
as subject relative to that object. This imprisons the knowledge within the scientist-
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