The Mind & Heart of God
by Raymond Reichman-Israelsohn
A lamp that does not flicker in a windless place,
To such is compared a yogi of subdued thought
Practising Union with the Self
Bhagavad Gita (Maharishi Translation)
The Yoga of Maditation (Dhyana Yoga)
Chapter VI,Verse 19
‘The Blade of Grass and the Footprint of the Calf is a book about remembering. As a call to consciousness, Raymond’s words bring us back afresh to the mystery of what our egos have chosen to forget. To the silence we have lost in speech. It is a book of blessing, of belonging, of coming home. I recommend it warmly.’
‘…quite a work…a big achievement…very profound and deep. The poetry is very inspiring – some poems are quite magnificent I think.’
Vicki Broome, MA Psychology (Wits), MSCI (Switzerland), Dipl MAV (New Zealand), Psychologist, Ayurveda Practitioner and Transcendental Meditation Teacher, past President of the SAAAE, (Transcendental Meditation South African governing NGO), www.TMinJoburg.org
‘Your words have inspired me to follow my dream of being a writer, and your gentleness has given me courage to be the sensitive soul that I am, no matter who is watching.’
‘May your work of art be a resounding success and may you touch the hearts of many, just as you have touched mine.’
Tina da Cunha, Public Relations and Marketing Officer
‘I loved your book! I hardly put it down once I had started it. I have no doubt that the book will serve as a light for seekers of the Path. By showing the way you are fulfilling the duties of a disciple as you journey Home. You are truly blessed to have made contact with your Soul and how generous of you to share your experience with your readers.’
‘…Your thoughts and experience enhanced my understanding and interpretation of… vast concepts and I thank you for that too.’
Lynn Sing, Executive Secretary
‘Some books are more difficult to understand than others. The author tries to provide thought-provoking answers for those who ‘seek’. Now and again the curtain lifted and I saw his clear blue sky. Slow reading and deep concentration will help to find the kernels of brilliant truth buried in these pages. The author’s theory of meditation leading to productive prayer is beautifully explained and the poetry, although more like prose, helps one feel the beauty we can attain if we leave our egos behind and give ourselves up to silence. He stresses that we should always try to reach the infinite. And it seems the way forward is through a certain amount of pain and suffering. This is a deeply moving book and it requires more than one perusal. As I read and almost understood the philosophies they slid away like slippery fish and I pondered over what I had almost grasped in this profound writing.’
‘Raymond Reichman-Israelsohn is a South African who practises law in Johannesburg. After having read so many mind, body, spirit books written by Americans and British authors in particular, I read this book with delight that our sources of wisdom can be found right here in South Africa.
It is clear that the author has an abundance of wisdom and life experience and he recounts the search for “his truth” with clarity of language, which makes compelling reading. In every chapter the reader will find words and sentences which require further thought and consideration. For me there were a number of “aha” moments when the author described a sense of knowing which I recognised but had never been able to describe. The author’s path is influenced by Vedic astrology but his message is one of a universal truth which transcends and embraces all religions and spiritual belief systems.
Interspersed in his writings are excerpts from many different writers and poets. Most importantly though are poems he himself has written which are like windows to his soul’s journey.’
Phoebe Macleod, reviewer, Odyssey Magazine, Body Mind Spirit
‘A remarkable book – I couldn’t put it down. I was swept along on your quest to find answers to the meaning and purpose of existence. Through skilful use of poetry, analogy and profound philosophical insights, you shared your experience and understanding of the transcendental realms of the Soul. I was drawn deeply into the dialogue; its beauty and purity resonated upon the chord of Truth within my heart. The insights within this book should prove to be valuable aids to those who are searching for answers to Life’s mysteries.’
Susan Kaschula, General Secretary, Theosophical Society in Southern Africa